Letter #3 of 52 Handwritten Missives: A Top 10 List


They are ubiquitous, used to quantify or qualify seemingly everything in the world. Think Letterman’s nightly Top Ten.  People Magazine‘s World’s Most Beautiful. Fortune Magazine’s Wealthiest Americans. The New York Times Bestsellers List.

Personally, I classify myself as a habitual list maker. While admittedly I do not like having a laundry list of odd jobs to tackle,  I do enjoy the sense of accomplishment that accompanies crossing off one of those pesky tasks. I did it. I completed a task. At that instant, I am a success. Yeah for me. When I worked in the publishing field, I never left my office without my yellow legal pad stacked with tomorrow’s to-do list.

I use lists to get things done, and sometimes, I use lists to spell out something entirely more important. Like the 45 Reasons I Love My Husband. Or the 75 Reasons I Love My Mom (written for her 75th birthday). Or the 16 Sweetest Things About My 16-Year-Old.

So today, with lists on my mind, I am employing the universality of a list to write Letter #3 of my promised 52 handwritten letters.

Today, my handwritten, postage-stamped-and-mailed letter takes the form of a top ten list:

The Top Ten Reasons You Make the World a Sunnier Place.

1. You always answer the phone with joy in your voice, a warmly spoken welcome that says you have time for me, you are listening.

2. Your smile lights up the office. It’s always there, no matter the weather, or the time of day, or the business at hand.

3. Regardless of how long your own to-do lists may be, you stop what you’re doing and greet me by name.

4. You know my family, and each child’s name–even those who aren’t in your school yet. How do you do that…for all of us?

5. You are incredibly dependable and so respected. We parents can always count on you to know the answers, offer solutions, and provide support.

6.  Your desk is proudly cluttered with all kinds of handmade treasures, many of them given with love by students or their families.

7. You love your job. Abraham Lincoln said: “Whatever you do, do your best.” Every day, you do your best, for all of us. Thank you.

8. You are God’s loving presence in a government-owned facility. Yes, there is a Constitution-mandated separation of church and state, but We the People can show our faith in every little thing we do and say. And you do–praise God.

9. You are fun-loving and good-humored–you make me laugh with your witty comebacks, and that inner happiness is catching.

10. You are gracious, kind and giving, and a treasured blessing to all who cross your path. Thank you for being unforgettable you.

Now it’s your turn.

You might know the intended recipient of this list letter. In fact, you may have someone similar in mind for your own letter. Go ahead and make a list. A top ten list. A top five list. A list of the 20 things someone does to make you smile or feel loved.

Make a list that makes a difference.

Use Letter #3 to encourage, appreciate, or celebrate. Imagine your child or spouse finding just such a list tucked under their pillow tonight, or in the car seat tomorrow morning as he or she heads to work.

Okay, so back to my own to-do list. Write blog: check.  Write letter: check (as soon as I get off here–just need to put it in ink). Make chicken noodle soup for dinner:…..coming up!

Be blessed–and be a blessing,


One Loudoun Crazy Mom

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